

Director: Wu, Yei-Long

Wu, Yei-Long

  • Background (Education): PhD in Department of Urban Planning, National Cheng Kung University
  • Experience:
  1. Director-General, Mass Rapid Transit, Kaohsiung City Government
    Deputy Secretary-General, Kaohsiung City Government
    Counselor, Kaohsiung City Government
    Director-General, Urban Development Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government
    Deputy Director-General, Public Works Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government
    Executive Secretary, Kaohsiung Urban Planning Commission
    Director-General, Mass Rapid Transit, Kaohsiung City Government
  2. Deputy Secretary-General, Kaohsiung City Government
  3. Counselor, Kaohsiung City Government
  4. Director-General, Urban Development Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government
  5. Deputy Director-General, Public Works Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government
  6. Executive Secretary, Kaohsiung Urban Planning Commission