

Add the Warning Lights to the Crosswalks Next to the KLRT for Pedestrians’ Safety
Information Management Office

Different from Red-Orange Line of KMRT, KLRT travels and is intertwined with flat roads. For the intersections, safety equipment has been installed at the intersection to keep the safety of passers-by since the KMRT was designed.

However, because C33 Department of Health Station is close to many hospitals, such as Municipal Minsheng Hospital, Kaohsiung Municipal Kai-Syuan Psychiatric Hospital, in order to increase the safety of the elders or the people with reduced mobility as they cross the rails in this area, KMRT Bureau has added the warning lights in the north of C33 Department of Health Station. When KLRT approaches the intersection, flashing lights are used to warn pedestrians to avoid collision accidents. Follow-up will continue to observe the effectiveness of the warning lights and discuss whether to add relevant equipment in the crossings of other important KLRT stations.